Pre-registration deadlines course 23-24

Application for admission and submission of documentation: April 1, 2023 to July 30, 2024.

Ordinary admission: July 1, 2023. Admission resolution: July 20, 2023.

Extraordinary admission: September 1, 2023. Admission resolution: September 20, 2023.

Enrollment period course 23-24 from July 15, 2023 to October 3, 2024.


Attendance at theoretical units is mandatory and at least 80% attendance is required to qualify for final assessments. 

The final grade of the master’s program and/or postgraduate diploma will be the sum of the grades in each of the modules taken weighted by the specific weight each one has, based on the number of credits and level of content. It will be carried out according to the distribution referred to in the following table, which also refers to the evaluation methods that will be used. The evaluation of the clinical practice modules will be given by the tutor of the same.

Evaluation criteria for each program module

Diagnostic evaluation module in psychiatry and child and youth psychology

  • Evaluation at the end of the module with test-type questions (30%)
  • Practical workshop: Preparation of a report, return and advice to the family (50%)
  • Active participation in class (20%)

Module Neurobiology of Psychopathological Disorders

  • Evaluation at the end of the module with test-type questions (40%)
  • Elaboration of a visual presentation with the main contents of the module (40%)
  • Active participation in class (20%)

Neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders module

  • Evaluation at the end of the module with test-type questions (30%)
  • Written work on a case study (50%
  • Active participation in class (20%)

Module Emotional disorders in childhood and adolescence

  • Evaluation at the end of the module with test-type questions (30%)
  • Written work on a case study (50%
  • Active participation in class (20%)

Module Therapeutic interventions in psychiatry and child-adolescent psychology

  • Evaluation at the end of the module with test-type questions (30%)
  • Written work on a case study (50%)
  • Active participation in class (20%)

Support Resources and Forensic Psychiatry module in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology

  • Evaluation at the end of the module with test-type questions (30%)
  • Elaboration of a clinical case with a therapeutic approach and use of clinical devices (50%)
  • Active participation in class (20%)

Clinical Practice Module I

  • Continuous assessment by the tutor (50%)
  • Elaboration and resolution of a case study (20%)
  • Elaboration of an internship report (30%)

Clinical Practice Module II.

  • Continuous assessment by the tutor (50%)
  • Elaboration and resolution of a case study (20%)
  • Elaboration of an internship report (30%)

Evaluation criteria final master’s thesis
Calculation of the final mark of the TFM

  • Originality of the subject 5%
  • Limitation of the object of study 10%
  • Clarity of work objectives and definition of hypotheses 5%
  • Knowledge and appropriate use of the relevant bibliography 5%
  • Adaptation of the scientific methodology to the problem posed 15%
  • Argument development used at work and to obtain results. 10%
  • Conclusions, clarity and concreteness of the same 10%
  • Contribution to the field of knowledge 5%
  • Writing the work 10%
  • Presentation and defense in court 25%

The percentage that the grade of each module will have in the final grade of the postgraduate diploma program is as follows:
Calculation of the final grade of the postgraduate diploma

  • Diagnostic assessment module in psychiatry and child-adolescent psychology 15%
  • Module Neurobiology of Psychopathological Disorders 12%
  • Neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders module 20%
  • Module Emotional disorders in childhood and adolescence 20%
  • Module Therapeutic interventions in psychiatry and child-adolescent psychology 21%
  • Aid Resources and Forensic Psychiatry module in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology 12%

The percentage that the grade of each module will have in the final grade of the master’s program is as follows:
Calculation of the final grade of the master’s

  • Module Diagnostic assessment in psychiatry and child-youth psychology 6%
  • Module Neurobiology of Psychopathological Disorders 6%
  • Neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders module 6%
  • Module Emotional disorders in childhood and adolescence 6%
  • Module Therapeutic interventions in psychiatry and child-adolescent psychology 10%
  • Aid Resources and Forensic Psychiatry module in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology 6%
  • Clinical Practice Module I 15%
  • Clinical Practice Module II 15%
  • Master’s final thesis module 30%