Pre-registration deadlines course 23-24

Application for admission and submission of documentation: April 1, 2023 to July 30, 2024.

Ordinary admission: July 1, 2023. Admission resolution: July 20, 2023.

Extraordinary admission: September 1, 2023. Admission resolution: September 20, 2023.

Enrollment period course 23-24 from July 15, 2023 to October 3, 2024.

Program and credits


  1. Clinical Models for Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Problems in Children and Adolescents ICD 10, DSM-V, DC:0-3a
  2. Normal development Infancy, childhood, adolescence
  3. Clinical evaluation of the infant, preschooler and their families Early relationships in development. Link: normal development, individual differences, and association with experience. Developmental assessment Parenting assessment
  4. Clinical evaluation of children and adolescents Interview with parents and child/adolescent Mental status examination History and physical examination Psychometric evaluation
  5. Family interview: theory and practice Development of the family and of the family roles of father and mother in child rearing Effects of parental disorders on child development
  6. Neurological physical examination. Neurophysiological and developmental aspects Neuroimaging in developmental neuropsychiatric disorders
  7. Formulation of the case and integration of information. Diagnosis and therapeutic plan. Elaboration of the report


  1. Epigenetics and origin of development and vulnerability to mental disorders. Genes and neurobiological development. CNS embryonic development. Cerebral malformations. Neurobiological aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders. Genetic influences on the manifestations and characteristics of psychiatric disorders in childhood Psychoneuroimmunological aspects in development
  2. Neurobiological perspectives on the development of psychopathology. determinism vs. Epigenetic probability. Plasticity and epigenetics. Role of time in brain development. Development of the human brain. Key points in postnatal development. Oscillating rhythms. neural connectivity. Determinants of cortical specialization. Development of brain functionality. Atypical brain neurodevelopment.
  3. Developmental disorders secondary to disturbances due to drug exposure in the prenatal period (heroin, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine.
  4. Brain disorders and psychopathology Brain damage. Brain dysfunction and risk of psychiatric disorders. Interaction of neurological and non-neurological factors. Psychiatric consequences of specific brain disorders: Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, Childhood Dementia or other loss of abilities.
  5. Child abuse Definition and types. Epidemiology. Associated factors. Consequences. Intervention.
  6. Sexual abuse Definition and types. Epidemiology: cultural aspects, the victim and the abuser. Nature and circumstances of the abuse. Risk and maintaining factors of abuse. Effects of abuse. Intervention: suspicion, recognition and disclosure. Therapeutic work.
  7. Residential Internment and Family Reception Reception Centers. Diagnosis. Effects of the resolution of the host. Residential internment (CRAE): Growth, cognitive development, bond and psychopathology. Benefits and damages of hospitalization in CRAE. Foster family: prevalence and nature of AF. Evolutionary development, the bond and psychopathology. Assessment: Intervention at the individual level, in the family of origin and in the host family.
  8. Adoption Definition and modalities. Suitability and parental psychopathology evaluation. Parental attitudes towards adoption.


  1. Intellectual Disability Epidemiology. Etiology and risk factors. Manifestations and subtypes. clinical symptoms. Clinical pictures (Fragile-X, Phenylketonuria, Prader-Willi…). Diagnosis. Intervention.
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorders History. Epidemiology. Early detection (ASD detection instruments). Etiology and risk factors. Clinical aspects. Diagnosis. Prognosis and adult life. Treatment.
  3. School Performance and Learning Disorders Definition and classification. Reading learning. Epidemiology. Reading Disorder. Writing disorder. Calculation disorder. Intervention. Poor school performance secondary to other disorders.
  4. Elimination disorders: enuresis and encopresis. Definition and classification. Epidemiology. clinical presentations. Etiology and risk factors. Comorbidity. Diagnosis. Treatment and clinical course.
  5. Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. Development of attention, perception and memory Executive Functions. Epidemiology. Etiology and risk factors. clinical presentation. Diagnosis (attention evaluation and FFEE). Evolution. Treatment (pharmacological, psychosocial).
  6. Movement disorders. Tics. Phenomenology of tics. Diagnostic categories: transient tic disorder, persistent tic disorder (motor, vocal), and Tourette syndrome. Epidemiology. Age of onset and evolution. Etiology and risk factors. clinical course. Differential diagnosis. Comorbidity. Treatment.
  7. Schizophrenia and psychosis. Psychotic symptomatology in children and adolescents. Etiology. Symptoms of psychosis. Course and evolution. Psychosis and specific groups: developmental disorders, trauma, substance abuse. Evolution. Differential diagnosis. Treatment. Recovery: return to school and evolution.
  8. Oppositional Defiant Disorders. Epidemiology. Diagnosis. Etiology and risk factors. Assessment. Treatment.
  9. Conduct disorder. Epidemiology. Etiology. Evaluation and diagnosis. Evolution: evolutionary trajectories in CT. Forecast. Principles of treatment.
  10. Substance abuse Epidemiology. Etiology: individual, family and social risk factors. Assessment. Clinic: Alcohol: pathophysiology of alcohol consumption. Alcohol and the developing brain. Early onset alcohol use. Cannabis: behavioral, medical and psychiatric adverse effects. Types of use and effects. Cannabis and brain. “Entrance door” effect. Other substances Diagnosis. Treatment. Motivational interview.
  11. Use and abuse of ICT. Internet addiction: a disorder?. Definition and diagnosis. Epidemiology. Treatment.
  12. Personality disorders. Temperament and personality development. Individual differences in emotional reactivity and regulation as antecedents of personality. Epidemiology. Starting age and course. Causes and risk factors. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Treatment.


  1. Attachment disorders in childhood and adolescence Definition. Link and development. Classifications of the bond and psychopathology. Attachment disorders: phenotypes. prevalence. Etiology. Evaluation and diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Course and prognosis. Treatment.
  2. Anxiety disorders in childhood and adolescence Description and diagnosis (Generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, social phobia, panic disorder, agoraphobia). Comorbidity. Prevalence (gender and age of onset). Evolution. Assessment. Risk factors and maintenance factors (family transmission, genetic factors, temperamental factors, parental factors). Vital events. Treatment (psychopharmaceuticals and therapeutic programs). Prevention and early intervention.
  3. Separation Anxiety Disorders Clinical Presentation. Diagnostic criteria. Epidemiology. Starting age and course. Etiology. Comorbidity. Diagnosis. Treatment (psychoeducation, behavior modification, CBT, home-school intervention, pharmacological). Syndromes related to separation anxiety: Tokokyobi (school refusal) Futoko (school truancy)
  4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Epidemiology. Clinical features. Starting age. Dimensions of OCD symptomatology. Comorbidity. Evolution. Clinical evaluation. Etiological factors. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment.
  5. Acute reactions to trauma. Traumatic events. Spectrum of trauma reactions in children and adolescents. Epidemiology. Acute stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder. Clinical features. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  6. Selective mutism. clinical presentation. Prevalence and evolution. Etiology. Diagnosis. Assessment. Treatment.
  7. Depression in children and adolescents Epidemiology. Age of onset and evolution. Subtypes. Comorbidity. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Assessment. Treatments (medical and psychological). Management of episodes of acute depression. recurring depression. Depression comorbid with other disorders.
  8. Bipolar disorder in childhood and adolescence. Epidemiology. Age of onset and evolution. Diagnosis and subtypes. Etiology and risk factors. clinical presentation. Differential diagnosis. Assessment. Treatment: drug therapy)
  9. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder Clinical presentation and diagnosis. Epidemiology. Evolution. Evaluation and diagnosis. Etiology and risk factors. Treatment.
  10. Suicide Definition. intentionality. Epidemiology: age onset, gender. Suicidal thought and attempt. methods. Risk factor’s. suicidal behaviour. Clinical evolution. Risk assessment. Hospitalization. Psychosocial intervention. Pharmacotherapy. Prevention.
  11. Self-injurious behavior Epidemiology. Risk factor’s. Clinical evolution. Assessment. Treatment.
  12. Eating and Eating Disorders Definition: Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, ARFID, OSFED, Pica, Rumination. Epidemiology. gender and culture. Etiology and risk factors. Clinical characteristics and diagnosis. Comorbidity. Treatment. Course and prognosis.
  13. Gender and sexual identity disorders Terminology and definitions. Diagnosis and advice. DSM-5 classification. Epidemiology. Biological and psychosocial determinants. clinical course. Coexisting psychiatric conditions. Treatments.
  14. Somatoform and related disorders Somatization in children and adolescents. Epidemiology. Etiology: individual, environmental and family factors. clinical presentation. Assessment. Diagnosis. Treatment. Forecast.


  1. Psychopharmacological treatments Principles of the use of psychotropic medication in children and adolescents. Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacodynamics. Effectiveness. Security. Pediatric psychopharmacology in clinical practice: stimulants, antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines.
  2. Cognitive-behavioral therapies Understanding CBT in childhood and adolescence. Empirical support for CBT. CBT components: Psychoeducation, relaxation, problem solving, work at home, work for parents, contingency management, modeling, role-playing, cognitive restructuring.
  3. Psychoeducational guidelines. positive discipline. Concept. Tools for the education of parents in positive parenting.
  4. Group psychotherapy in childhood and adolescence Concept. Technique. Indications. Framing and transfer. Functions of the therapist. Group norms. Frequent problems. therapeutic resources.
  5. Play psychotherapy in childhood and adolescence Children’s play. JT concept. Connect through the game. Types of work in the TJ. Role of the therapist. Materials. Techniques. Indications and contraindications.
  6. Psychodynamic psychotherapy in childhood and adolescence The therapeutic process. The therapeutic alliance. The transference. The resistance. Interpretation. Defense mechanisms.
  7. Psychosocial competence programs in childhood and adolescence Concept. Evolutionary development of Psychosocial Competence. Training in Social Skills. Training in cognitive skills. Training in creative thinking skills. Training in moral development. Training in critical thinking.
  8. Family therapy The family context in individual disorders. The family as a system. The role of the family in the development and maintenance of psychopathology. Impact of individual changes on family life. The framework for change. Framework for belief modification and maintenance. Family intervention: who to see and when. Context. Interview: Techniques. Contraindications.
  9. Intervention in learning disorders. Conceptual and methodological issues. Intervention in phonological, decoding and reading fluency aspects. Intervention in the improvement of reading comprehension. Intervention in calculation disorder.


  1. Emergencies in child and adolescent psychiatry. Objective of psychiatric emergencies. Diagnosis. History of previous disorders. Family counseling. Acute disorder in the emergency room: psychosis, mania, depression, anxiety, PTE, ADHD, TC, SUD, Suicide, Aggression, Parent-child conflict, Adjustment disorders, Abuse, self-harm. Confidentiality in emergencies.
  2. Hospitalization units. Day hospital Partial hospitalization in children and adolescents. Hospitalized psychiatric patients. residential treatment
  3. Interconsultation. I work with pediatricians. Coordination Development of psychiatric, child and adolescent consultations, liaison with pediatricians Collaboration between psychiatrists and pediatricians in care practice
  4. Infant-Youth Mental Health Centers (CSMIJ).
  5. Care for children and adolescents in vulnerable situations.
  6. Social work in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  7. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Nursing
  8. Child and Youth Mental Health Social Educator
  9. The professor in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  10. Criminal law and criminal age. Juvenile criminal responsibility. Psychiatric and developmental aspects.
  11. Testifying in court of law Psychiatric point of view (A) Legislator perspective (B)
  12. Role of the expert in child and adolescent psychiatry acting as legal expert
  13. Ethics in the practice of psychiatry (child, adolescent and youth)


  1. Introduction to clinical research. Bias and random error. Useful concepts in evidence-based practice. reliability. Validity. Choice of treatment. Research tools and methodologies. Software and criteria.
  2. Critical reading of an article: peer review. Basis of design and methodology.
  3. Methodological and statistical tools.
  4. Data communication: article and poster.